Although the editors of Dirt Toys Magazine love to install and test new products, whenever something comes that has a lot of wires and gadgets, we sometimes look like deer in the headlights.
So when The Com sent us its UTV TheCom PH Kit radio system, we were somewhat skeptical of the “plug and play” description. After all, when you have radios, headsets, antennas, mics, and cables everywhere with buttons and knobs, this just seems way too complicated for a person with a journalism degree.
And somehow we’re expected to hook this onto our side-by-side and have it actually work? Shut up.
Well, after studying the parts (and we mean way over studying the parts) for about 20 minutes, we took the two roll bar clamps, slipped them over the bar and attached The Com to the clamps and tightened them up. Then we plugged the cable into our power outlet (what we used to call the cigarette lighter), and ta-dum … it worked.