Nikola Powersports To Build Autonomous Reckless Vehicle For SOFWERX

August 2018 Powersport News

Phoenix, Ariz. -  Nikola Powersports has accepted a contract from SOFWERX of Tampa, FL, to develop a roadmap and demonstration of autonomous and mixed-autonomy capabilities with the Nikola Reckless vehicle.

The Reckless UTV is a totally electric vehicle that can go from 0 to 100 kilometers-per-hour in just over three seconds. The vehicle has a modular capability that can plug and play with a Remote Weapons Station (RWS) and military drones.  The near silent Nikola Reckless UTV recently conducted off-road testing with the United States Marine Corps at Camp Pendleton and Twentynine Palms, CA, and will continue to expand capabilities by offering autonomous features.

SOFWERX was created under a Partnership Intermediary Agreement between Doolittle Institute and the United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM). Located in Tampa, FL, SOFWERX has a very dynamic environment designed to create a high rate of return for all participants. Through the use of a growing ecosystem, promotion of divergent thought and neutral facilitation, the company’s goal is to bring the right minds together to solve challenging problems.

“This contract highlights Nikola’s innovative approach to UTV design,” Andrew Christian, Nikola’s vice president of defense, Nikola Powersports, said. “The military asked for a technologically superior electric vehicle and Nikola answered the call. We’ll prove that the Reckless can perform under four grueling scenarios including unmanned perimeter security with remote monitor, supply run, control recovery and autonomous multi-vehicle missions.”

“As we continue to grow our entire operation, I am continually impressed with the many military applications our Nikola Reckless can handle,” Trevor Milton, CEO, Nikola Motor Company, said. “So in addition to helping the environment with zero emissions vehicles, we are also helping our country.”

The Nikola team will build a remote control function for the vehicle and support aerial and ground robots that can interface with and deploy from the Reckless vehicle.

The Nikola vehicle will be ready for demonstration no later than May 2019.

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