Just A Click (LIKE) To Save Our Trails And It's Free

October 2012 Powersport News

By Trail PAC

The mainstream media is working overtime to bias the news to discourage pro-trail voters in blue and battleground states in the hope that you will give up and stay home. The Trail PAC is going to counter that with the 1st ever pro-trail social media week. This national counter offensive is called Operation Soaring Eagle.

Some congressional races are won or lost by less than 50 votes or just one vote per precinct. With the election just a few weeks away, it is important for trail voters to inform their Facebook friends about our targeted races and encourage them to go to the polls on Nov. 6 and VOTE!

TPAC knows many people are busy trying to make a living and don't have time to follow political campaigns. That is why it is important for you to LIKE the pro-trail candidates below so your social networks throughout the country will know about these candidates and the issues.

TPAC is not asking for any donations today. Our national counterattack is free. All we ask of you is to go to the following races and LIKE them. Also, feel free to share your support of the Trail PAC and these candidates with your social networks. Just those few extra votes will make a difference in this historic election.

Action Item: Go to all of the candidate's websites and LIKE them. This will have a huge impact and best of all it's free.

Here is TPAC's list of targeted key races as of Oct. 2, 2012

U.S. Senate

Tommy Thompson (WI-Senate)

Dean Heller (NV - Senate)

Denny Rehberg (MT-Senate)

George Allen (VA- Senate)

Jeff Flake (AZ - Senate)

Heather Wilson (NM-Senate)

Rick Berg (ND-Senate)

U.S. House of Representatives

John Koster (WA CD-1)

Koster's Facebook page link since it was harder to find on website:  http://www.facebook.com/pages/Koster-for-Congress/246070079439

Dan Lungren (CA CD-7)

Chip Cravaack (MN CD-8)

Ricky Gill (CA CD-9)

Scott Tipton (CO-CD-3)

Thanks in advance for taking a few minutes to help save our trails via the election process.

Feel free to check back into these campaigns throughout the week to see how many of your friends are getting engaged.

For more information on Trail PAC, go here: www.thetrailpac.com.

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